Lesson series

Meet the "A" in the "ABC" Accounting System Setup Course!

Do you find it easy to attract the customers, but a struggle managing the money? Don't waste time on spreadsheets and piles of receipts. Wait for the pop up and you can get this setup TOTALLY FREE. Wait for it... Wait for it... 
Write your awesome label here.

 Automate reporting  so you don't have to spend time keypunching spreadsheets. 

Save on taxes by never missing another tax deduction you're entitle to.

No risk to take a "test-drive." Choose from one of two apps you can try 100% FREE

Connect to us on the back-end, so we can handle the  "advanced" CPA stuff for you. 

Mildred Dillon CPA
What's next after the SETUP?  

Learn to Run  Reports! 

Want to see your numbers clearly so you know exactly where the money is going? You now have a system that runs itself 24/7 so next we'll show you how to use it and run your own reports - right from your phone! *CPA included.

Video Screenshot images Source: Intuit Inc. QuickBooks App
Intuit, QuickBooks, QB are registered trademarks of Intuit Inc.

"Set it & Forget it" system helps you
Ditch the spreadsheets forever!

Thank you Money Dr. this course was a definite eye opener. I purchased QuickBooks Online opened it and had no idea what to do next. I have definitely learned how to create accounts and learned something I did not know....I can track personal and business transactions...oh joy joy... 
You are definitely a great teacher with a pleasant voice and you made the course enjoyable!

Your Money has something to say to you.  Ready to find out?

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